이은정 박사 (Eunjung Lee)
Assistant professor.
Department of Chemical engineering,
Kyungpook National University.
Post-doctoral fellow.
KIST, Center for Theragnosis (2014-2017)
PhD. Chemical and Biological Engineering,
Korea University (2007-2014)
BSc. Chemical and Biological Engineering,
Korea University (2003-2007)
Key Word : Engineering of functional nanomaterials,
Bioassay, Drug delivery systems, Cancer immunotherapy.
E-mail: ejlee0328@gmail.com
김고운 박사 (Gowoon Kim)
Principle scientist.
Samsung Bioepis (Jun 2017-Current)
Post-doctoral fellow.
KIST, Center for Theragnosis (2014-2017)
PhD. Biological Science,
KAIST (2006-2014)
BSc. Biochemistry,
Yonsei University (2002-2006)
Key Word : Cell biology, Cell signaling,
Genetics and Developmental biology.
E-mail: 090725@kist.re.kr