이은정 박사 (Eunjung Lee)

Assistant professor.

Department of Chemical engineering,

Kyungpook National University.

Post-doctoral fellow.

KIST, Center for Theragnosis (2014-2017)

PhD. Chemical and Biological Engineering, 
Korea University (2007-2014) 

BSc. Chemical and Biological Engineering, 
Korea University (2003-2007)

Key Word : Engineering of functional nanomaterials,

Bioassay, Drug delivery systems, Cancer immunotherapy.

E-mail: ejlee0328@gmail.com

김고운 박사 (Gowoon Kim)

Principle scientist.

Samsung Bioepis (Jun 2017-Current)

Post-doctoral fellow.

KIST, Center for Theragnosis (2014-2017)

PhD. Biological Science,

KAIST (2006-2014)

BSc. Biochemistry,

Yonsei University (2002-2006)

Key Word : Cell biology, Cell signaling,

Genetics and Developmental biology.

E-mail: 090725@kist.re.kr

전용문 박사 (Yongmoon Jeon)

Research scientist

Samsung Display (2018-Current)

Post-doctoral fellow.
KIST, Center for Theragnosis (2016-2018)

Physics, PhD.

POSTECH (2008-2016)

Physics, BSc.

Hanyang University (2004-2008)

Key Word: Single-molecule biophysics, smFRET, 

Single-particle tracking, DNA mismatch repair, CRISPR system

E-mail: yomo.top@gmail.com

홍연선 박사 (Yeonsun Hong)

Post-doctoral fellow.

KIST, Center for Theragnosis (2019)

KU-KIST graduate school (2015-2019)

KU-KIST graduate school (2013-2014)

Life science, BSc.
Korea university (2009-2012)

Key Word : Exosome engineering, Cancer Immunotherapy.

Email : kukist.hys@kist.re.kr

이나경 학생 (Nakyeong Lee) 

Ph.D. candidate, Physical Pharmacy. 

Seoul National University (2017-Current)

MSc. Physical Pharmacy. 
Seoul National University (2014-2016) 

BSc. Biomedical Sciences, 
University College London (2010-2013)

Key Word : Cancer immunotherapy, Drug Delivery Systems.

E-mail: enklee8@gmail.com

Taslim Ahmed Al-Hilal

Post-doctorate researcher,

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 

Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center (2016-Current)

Post-doctoral fellow.

KIST, Center for Theragnosis (2014-2016)

Ph.D. Pharmacy,

Seoul National University (2010-2014)

MSc. Pharmacy,

Seoul National University (2007-2010)

BSc. Pharmacy,

University of Development Alternative (2002-2006)

Key Word : Bile acid transporter, Drug delivery, Tumor angiogenesis, Deep tissue penetration

E-mail: kollolzz@gmail.com

고은이 (Eunee Koh)

Research Scientist.

Translational Research Institute,

CreActive Health+ (2017-Current)


KU-KIST graduate school (2015-2017)

BSc. Biotechnology,

Korea university (2005-2010)

Key Word : Exosome delivery and engineering

Email : koheunee@gmail.com

이계준 (Gyejun Lee)

MSc. KHU-KIST Department of Converging Science and Technology

Kyung Hee University graduate school (2016-2018)

Pharmaceutical Science, BSc.
Kyung Hee University (2010-2016)

Key Word : Single molecule biophysics

E-mail : htoi2000@nate.com

기민우 (Minwoo Kih)

KU-KIST graduate school (2016-2018)

Chemical Engineering, BSc.
Kwangwoon university (2010-2015)

Key Word : Protein Engeneering.

E-mail : kmwoo0303@naver.com

조은지 (Eunji Cho)

KU-KIST graduate school (2016-2018)

Biosystem and Biomedical Science, BSc.
Korea university (2012-2015)

Key Word : Exosome delivery and engineering

E-mail: jojojo987@naver.com

정영민 (Youngmin Jeong)

KU-KIST graduate school (2017-2019)

Chemistry, BSc.

Hanyang university (2013-2017)

Key Word : Adjuvant, Cancer Immunotherapy.

E-mail : ymym7755@naver.com

김성현 (Seonghyeon Kim)


KU-KIST graduate school (2018-2020)

Biomedical engineering, BSc.

Korea university (2012-2018)

Key word: Exosome engineering, Cancer immunotherapy

E-mail : 114344@kist.re.kr

김성아 (Seong a Kim)


KU-KIST graduate school (2018-2020)

Life science, BSc.

Korea university (2014-2018)

Key word : Cancer immunotherapy

E-mail : 118302@kist.re.kr

김서현 (Seohyun Kim)

MSc candidate in NBIT
KU-KIST graduate school (2017-current)

Biomedical engineering, BSc.
Korea university (2012-2017)

Key Word : Cancer immunotherapy

E-mail : kkksh03@kist.re.kr

이정민 (Jeongmin Lee) 

MSc candidate in Department of Life Sciences

Korea University (2020-Current)

Fine Chemistry, BSc.

Seoul National University of Science and Technology (2014-2020)

Key word : Single-molecule biophysics, smFRET, Single-particle tracking, CRISPR system

E-mail : 220583@kist.re.kr

김지홍 (Jihong Kim) 

MSc candidate in NBIT,

KU-KIST graduate school (2021-current)

Life science, BSc.q

Korea university (2017-2021)

E mail : 221341@kist.re.kr